The platform integrates data management and analysis tools from several sources with both technological and geographical diversity. It offers:
- Access to cohort data and metadata (Data Catalogue module).
- Administration of data access policies and credentials to gain access to privileged data (Data Access module).
- A collection of bioimaging data analysis, cohort’s harmonization services and other tools (Data Analysis module).

Data Catalogue
Cohort Browser and Catalogue support data discovery, providing detailed information on data assets and characteristics such as key variables, access policies and harmonisation status across cohorts.
Data Access
euCanSHare Access Manager will provide support for managing data access credentials. The access manager should provide a working environment either for researchers applying for data access and data managers responsible for evaluating such applications.
Data Analysis
euCanSHare Virtual Research Environment (VRE) will be the central workspace for authenticated users. For each user’s role, a specific workspace will be provided.
Read more...Gran Via de les Corts Catalanes, 585
08007 Barcelona, Spain